Tuesday, August 30, 2005


So why do women shave their legs and arm-pits? Well, the Gillette company pretty much did the same thing in the 1910's that the DeBeers Diamond corporation has done with diamonds today. In 1915, there was an ad published with a woman wearing a sleeveless shirt, thus exposing her hairless armpit. From then on, women have shaved their arm-pits and legs in order to stay attractive. As a result, us guys see have been conditioned as well to see hairlessness as attractive. So if that ad had never been published, we would all be rubbing up against our women's furry legs and arm-pits.
On another note, it was at one time practical to remove hair from the body to prevent lice and other insects from growing on the body. This was back in the day before hygiene as we know it today was invented.


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