Sunday, March 06, 2005

Personal Statement

I'm sitting here thinking about what I'm going to put on my personal statement for dental school, and all of the sudden I don't feel so unique. Let's see...First I'm Asian and even though you might think that that makes me a minority, think again. Asians, although a minority are the largest minority at any dental or medical school. They could probably rival whites in their numbers. Second the fact that I'm Asian hurts me in another way. The general trend is that Asians work and study really hard, they get good grades, and are really smart. Though I like to think of myself as relatively intelligent, I definitely don't work nearly as hard as the rest of the pre-med/dental Asians in the world. Third, I actually like volunteering and helping people in need, particularly children. I think it's our duty to love others, however, all the people who are volunteering just to get it onto their transcript and to get into med school are screwing me over. I'm doing what I love but it doesn't help set me apart from all those shallow bitches who could care less about how they get into dental school.

So basically in the next couple of months I need to become a brilliant writer, talented athlete, or musical virtuoso. Then maybe I'll have something to write about. Or maybe not, there are always going to be a million piano players and violinists from China that are better than I am. There's always going to be a million ping pong and badmitton players that are better than I am. Don't forget Yao, he'll always be a better basketball player than I am. And then there's going to be some fool who has parents willing to spend thousands of dollars paying some expert writer to write his essay for him.

I guess there's no hope for my personal statement.

Saturday, March 05, 2005


Just think, how many friends do you have that you didn't meet through a club, sports, dorm, work, or even school? I can only think of one person. Just thinking of the friends I have at school that I didn't meet through a club or my dorm, there are hardly any of those. Does this mean that I'm a complete introvert that I won't talk to people unless I'm forced to, maybe. It could also mean that no one wants to associate with me unless they're forced to. It's too bad that we always hang out with people who are just like ourselves. This makes me want to walk up to some random person on the street and be friends with them.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

My First Entry

This is my first entry, short and sweet, and absolutly worthless.