Tuesday, January 31, 2006

I hate flying

Between the 30th of December and the 27th of January I got on 12 separate flights. Some of them were over winter break going to Egypt and the others were going to Cleveland. Who would have ever guessed that the best way to get from Cleveland to Seattle is to go through Atlanta, Georgia. Despite the fact that I've flown a decent amount, I have yet to sit next to an attractive girl on the airplane. You'd figure that with this many flights in such a short time, that there'd be a pretty good chance, but no it has yet to happen in my life time. Instead I get seated to overweight women who spill over the armrest, 7 foot tall men who can't fit without sticking their legs all up on my side, or drunk army rangers on the way to Iraq who insist that they're "All American Badasses" who deserve to be in first class with some hot flight attendants. I guess I've conceded all hope of ever sitting next to someone somewhat attractive or even a good conversationalist. Maybe it's a good thing and probably the reason that I'm able to get so much reading done in the air.
Since I haven't posted for a long time there's way too much to say. So maybe the best way to convey my thoughts and experiences is probably with pictures worth pictures worth 1000 words a piece, plus or minus 10.

Here's us in front of the Pyramids at Giza. They look just like they do in the pictures.

Here's a bunch of camel guys. They're notorious for luring people into their tourist traps. They tried to charge us $10 a person or so for taking a picture with their camel, and they sucked so bad a taking pictures that they couldn't even get the camel in the frame. Sometimes they convince people to go on a camel ride. They then take them into the desert and refuse to let them off the camel or even take them back to civilization with out first paying up to $100.

This is William in front of the temple at Abu Simbel. If you've seen "The Mummy," you've seen this temple. They all do start looking the same after a while.

At the duty free shop in London on the way home. It looks like they're pretty passionate about not selling their cigarettes.