Saturday, April 23, 2005

Exhibit is worthless

I watch a lot of TV and I've seen pretty much every single episode of too many shows. It wasn't until today that I saw someone that I actually knew. So I turned on MTV and Pimp My Ride came on. The next thing I know, some girl from my high school, Jekera, is getting her ride pimped. Her car is legitimately a piece of crap. It was actually in our high school auto shop for some time. And having taken auto shop for two years, I actually had a chance to drive this p.o.s. And trust me, I'm suprised that the car auctually works and that I didn't catch some horrible disease by just sitting in it. It's kind of cool that I drove a car that was on pimp my ride, but it's ridiculous that this girl got her car "pimped." However, I can't deny the fact that they made it pretty cool.
True story, in high school Jekera lived literally 2 houses away from the school. Despite this fact, she would drive her car to school every single day. She didn't drive her ghetto ass '55 Bel Aire that just got pimped, she drove her brand new Mustang convertible. And when asked why she drove to school, she answered that she was afraid off being raped. What a bull shit excuse. You live in one of the wealthiest and safest neighborhoods in California and you're afraid to walk less than a block to and from your house, and you blame it on your safety. She probably spent more time driving through traffic and parking her car than she would have spent walking to school.
This girl doesn't deserve to get her car pimped. She's got a perfectly good mustang hiding in the garage while she takes advantage of the Pimp My Ride Show. I don't even have a car to get pimped and this girl with two cars is getting tons of free stuff. She'll probably sell the car and make 40 grand from the experience. Exhibit, you're worthless, pimp my $60 bike bitch!

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Harry Potter Rides Brooms Too

Just the other day in one of my classes I learned how witches came to be associated with riding brooms. So back in the day, witches would communicate with the devil through the use of hallucinogens. The drugs they used was applied topically. Thus the best places to apply the drug would be the places with the most blood vessels. As a result, these witches would put the stuff into their orifices with the aid of a charred stick. To avoid being accused of being a witch and being put on trial they would disguise the charred sticks as brooms by adding straw to one of the ends. So if you were ever caught in the act of getting high, onlookers would probably walk in on you riding a broom, up your ass.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

The Best Science Fair Ever

It seems to me that some people and some groups try way too hard to prove a point. And when they do, they make themselves look like complete idiots, especially when it comes to the issue of evolution vs creation. I'm a scientist and a Christian and it's really hard to take a firm stance on either side of this issue. There's lots of research done that helps to strengthen the side of evolution. And after stumbling upon this website, I guess that there is also a lot of research done to help stenghten the creatioin argument. Too bad I can't be more like some of these kids and do some hard core research to convince myself to take a side. Enjoy....

Here are some project summaries from the winners of the 2001 Fellowship Baptist Creation Science Fair.
Junior High 2nd Place: "Women Were Designed For Homemaking"
Jonathan Goode (grade 7) applied findings from many fields of science to support his conclusion that God designed women for homemaking: physics shows that women have a lower center of gravity than men, making them more suited to carrying groceries and laundry baskets; biology shows that women were designed to carry un-born babies in their wombs and to feed born babies milk, making them the natural choice for child rearing; social sciences show that the wages for women workers are lower than for normal workers, meaning that they are unable to work as well and thus earn equal pay; and exegetics shows that God created Eve as a companion for Adam, not as a co-worker. I really like this study. Maybe I should have written a summer research grant to get money to continue this study.
High School 1st Place: "Using Prayer To Microevolve Latent Antibiotic Resistance In Bacteria"
Eileen Hyde and Lynda Morgan (grades 10 & 11) did a project showing how the power of prayer can unlock the latent genes in bacteria, allowing them to microevolve antibiotic resistance. Escherichia coli bacteria cultured in agar filled petri dishes were subjected to the antibiotics tetracycline and chlorotetracycline. The bacteria cultures were divided into two groups, one group (A) received prayer while the other (B) didn't. The prayer was as follows: "Dear Lord, please allow the bacteria in Group A to unlock the antibiotic-resistant genes that You saw fit to give them at the time of Creation. Amen." The process was repeated for five generations, with the prayer being given at the start of each generation. In the end, Group A was significantly more resistant than Group B to both antibiotics. How do you unlock bacterial resistance genes?
Junior High 1st Place: "Life Doesn't Come From Non-Life"
Patricia Lewis (grade 8) did an experiment to see if life can evolve from non-life. Patricia placed all the non-living ingredients of life - carbon (a charcoal briquet), purified water, and assorted minerals (a multi-vitamin) - into a sealed glass jar. The jar was left undisturbed, being exposed only to sunlight, for three weeks. (Patricia also prayed to God not to do anything miraculous during the course of the experiment, so as not to disqualify the findings.) No life evolved. This shows that life cannot come from non-life through natural processes. The funny thing is that this study was done under early earth conditioins and without prayer, the result were basic proteins and amino acids.
High School 2nd Place: "Maximal Packing Of Rodentia Kinds: A Feasibility Study"
Jason Spinter's (grade 12) project was to show the feasibility of Noah's Ark using a Rodentia research model (made of a mixture of hamsters and gerbils) as a representative of diluvian life forms. The Rodentia were placed in a cage with dimensions proportional to a section of the Ark. The number of Rodentia used (58) was calculated using available Creation Science research and was based on the median animal size and their volumetric distribution in the Ark. The cage was also fitted with wooden dowels inserted at regular intervals through the cage walls, forming platforms which provided support for the Rodentia. Although there was little room left in the cage, all Rodentia were able to move just enough to ward off muscle atrophy. Food pellets and water were delivered to sub-surface Rodentia via plastic drinking straws inserted into the Rodentia-mass, which also served to allow internal air flow. Once a day, the cage was sprayed with water to cleanse any built-up waste. Additionally, the cage was suspended on bungee cords to simulate the rocking motion of a ship. The study lasted 30 days and 30 nights, with all Rodentia surviving at least long enough afterwards to allow for reproduction. These findings strongly suggest that Noah's Ark could hold and support representatives of all antediluvian animal kinds for the duration of the Flood and subsequent repopulation of the Earth. I thought Noah was on the Ark for 40 days and 40 nights.
Elementary School 1st Place: "My Uncle Is A Man Named Steve (Not A Monkey)"
Cassidy Turnbull (grade 5) presented her uncle, Steve. She also showed photographs of monkeys and invited fairgoers to note the differences between her uncle and the monkeys. She tried to feed her uncle bananas, but he declined to eat them. Cassidy has conclusively shown that her uncle is no monkey. And how does this relate to creatioinisnm?

Monday, April 11, 2005

Piece of Shit

My house is falling apart. Here are all the things wrong with it

-A hole in our shower because the leaky faucet ate through the drywall
-The down stairs carpet and walls are wet due to water dripping through the hole in the shower
-Mold growing down stairs still, before it was killed last time there was a thick covering of mold on at least 10 square feet of wall
-The hot water knob in the downstairs shower doesn't turn on any water
-3 blind broken because they are so cheap, we saw them at Target for $3 a piece
-Cold as hell, we spent went through $200 of heating oil in just over 3 weeks

These are just the major problems. There are so many other small ones that we don't even want to bother bringing up with our landlord. And what make all this worse is that our rent $350/month, that's really expensive for ghetto Tacoma.

Friday, April 08, 2005

Confessions of a dirty hippy

I just took a shower. It felt really good. I'm tempted to do it more often.

Confessions of a clean college student

As of today I've broken my record for number of days without a shower. Today is Friday and I haven't showered since Monday. This record of course doesn't include backpacking trips and such. It's only a record for me living in normal society with easy access to a shower. I do tend to take really long showers and I've saved about an hour this week by not cleansing myself.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

I need a house

So me and my future housemates for next year have been trying to find a house for over 2 months. This process has been one of the most frustrating things that I've ever had to deal with. Last year it was a piece of cake, I didn't do anything. Someone else found the house and all I had to do was sign my name and write a check.
This year, we've gone through 4 houses. The first house we found was awesome and would have been a great place to live. It even had a basketball hoop in the back (I don't play basketball but it's a plus). We didn't get it cause the landlord was in the middle of a divorce and his wife was getting control of the house. She had already decided that she was going to give it to a bunch of stupid girls and not us.
The next house we wanted was owned by the nicest landlord in the world. Instead of renting it to the six of us who were ready and willing to put down money, he decided to rent it to the 4 people who had called him first despite the fact that they're only going to pay 4/6 the full price.
Later we found a decent house with 7 bedrooms for the 6 of us and decided that we could all live there. But instead of signing the house right then and there we decided to wait and see if we could get a cool house with a horrible lease that started in August. We were retarded and held out on signing a lease on the OK house to see if other people would pass up the house with the weird lease and let us have it. This was on our part a huge tactical error and in the end we didn't get the house and when we tried to get our backup it had already been taken.
So basically the housing process it impossible with 6 people that all want something different. We've got a house lined up now and hopefully I don't jinx us with this. Why couldn't we just have found this house that we're going to sign 2 months ago. It would have made my life so much easier. Maybe this who thing is just a learning process that really sucks.
What I failed to mention earlier were all the crappy houses and retarded landlords we had to deal with before even finding these 4 houses. Finding housing sucks and I hope that I learn from the experiences this year.