Thursday, May 12, 2005

So close to summer

Reading period and finals has done a number on my body and it's not because I've been stressing over finals. This particular finals period has been by far the most relaxed. I didn't do anything school related till the second day after finals started.
The one event that did the most damage to my body took place on Tuesday night. After seeing some fold-up chairs outside Snu, I decided that it would be a great idea to use them to furnish my house next year. Instead of walking with the chairs all the 8 blocks to my house, I decided to carry them on my bike. At first I tried to strap the chairs to my backpack, but since the straps weren't long enough, I decided to fold up the chairs and hang them on my bicycle handle bars. Everything worked pretty well.
About one block later the chairs opened all of the sudden and got caught in the spokes of my front wheel. This sent me head first over my handle bars. Somehow, I managed to land on the pavement, both folding chairs, and my bike. It hurt so bad that I gave up and went back home.
Today I'm in just as much pain. My left wrist is sprained (hopefully not broken) pretty bad, my right elbow hurts like a bitch, my right hip is really bruised, my right ankle is slightly twisted, and my right leg has a huge bloody gash. (I looked in my jeans the next day to look for blood but all I found was dead skin and hair, gross.) Overall this is probably the worst accident that I've ever been in, and it was all the fault of a stupid folding chair.
In addition to injuries sustained from the crash, both my knees hurt from rock climbing, my right left bicep is strained from more climbing, I have a couple horrible (and I mean really bad)mosquito bites, my scalp itches from not showering enough, my liver is entering into the early stages of sclerosis, and my asshole is chafed from frequent beer shits. I definitely need a break from school.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

I only have one final

I know this is a horrible question, but would you rather kill your own child, or your best friend's child in an accident? Everyone I've asked said they would rather kill their own child because that takes your best friend out of the picture. But how about your wife/husband. The way I think of it, I'd rather kill my best friend's child than my wife's child who is also my child. Maybe it doesn't matter, you're screwed either way.

Friday, May 06, 2005

Biology is cool

I was at the Phi Sigma Biology honor society party on Wednesday night. It was fun having a beer with some of my fellow students. But my fondest memory of the night was doing a kegstand. No, there's really nothing too exciting about drinking beer upsidedown. Considering that my first kegstand was in a moving U-haul truck, this was not spectacular at all. Interestingly, the only reason I agreed to drink upsidedown was because one of my current Biology professors, Joel Elliot, pretty much forced me too. Before I knew it, two Bio profs were holding my legs up and another shoved a running tap into my mouth. Weird. I also remember watching every single faculty present do a kegstand that night as well. It was an interesting night.

Monday, May 02, 2005

I pass bitches!

Everything I own is a piece of shit, including my bike. Last year, some really heavy guy crew guy sat on the rack and tried to get a ride. As a result, the back tire is completely lopsided and it actually hits the frame of the bike every revolution. Another consequence of this tragic accident is that I haven't had a rear break since then. What sucks the most is that this happened less than a week after I bought the bike and I've had it for nearly 2 years now.
It's with this over-priced $60 pile of crap that I used just last week to pass a man on his brand new motor powered bicycle. I wasn't even trying. Now I'm finally glad that I own a broke bike.