Friday, November 25, 2005

As of last Thursday, I am now old enough to apply to be on a dating show. Here is the order of shows that I want to be on the most.
1. Elimidate (probably as one of the 4 guys competing for the girl)
2. Next (I want my whole house to be on this show with me. Brian Starr may be my most fierce competition)
3. Come on In (Who wouldn't want their own personal pimp for a day)
4. Blind Date (what would rodger lodge think of me?)
I don't know any of these shows are coming to the Seattle area any time soon. But if they do, hopefully I'll be involved in some way.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Everyday is one step closer to ___________.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

I hit bitches (w/ my car)

You may be wondering why I titled my last post the way I did. Basically, what I did was prove the long standing stereotype that Asian drivers are the worst drivers out there (with the exception of Asian women and maybe women in general). Yes, I crashed my car. Yes, I made a left turn into oncoming traffic and got hit by a 15 passenger van. Yes, it was all my fault. But a lot of people get into accidents and it was pretty much inevitable that I was going to get into something at some point. The only thing that still bothers me is why I had to hit a van carrying a bunch of 80 year old women coming home from church? Some of them even had canes and others even had walkers. From now on I'll probably think twice and look once before making a left turn.

Note: I've had a perfect record till now. That means not speeding tickets or even a parking ticket.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

asian driver no survivor

Last night I was introduced to someone not as Charles: a guy that goes to UPS, a biology major, lives at 3601 North 8th st., rock climber, trumpet player, skateboarder, former fraternity boy, potential dentist, or even awesome cool guy. Instead I was introduced as Riana's boyfriend. What does that make me? Apparently it makes me someone who's a nobody without my girlfriend.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Slutty UPS dancers

For dinner today I ate: 3 hard-boiled eggs, 4 servings of tuna-helper, 2 teriyaki chicken thighs (minus 1 bite taken by drew), 1 yogurt, 1 ice cream cup, and 1 pumpkin cookie. Afterwards I had the worst stomach ache. I don't know why.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

I didn't see any Mexicans in Philadelphia

I went to Philly this weekend for a dental school interview at Temple University. Temple is pretty much the exact opposite of UPS. It's huge, it's in a big city, it's in the hood (if you thought Tacoma or East Palo Alto were ghetto, think again), it's got a good sports team, and it's poor as dirt. Philly is like Tacoma x 20 or San Francisco x 3, it's awesome but really intimidating at the same time. Temple might even be everything that I want in a school and can't get in here at UPS.

During this visit, my very first independent traveling adventure (it only lasted 48 hours), I learned learned a bunch of different things.
-Don't lose your wallet an hour before leaving for the airport
-Don't rely on public transportation, they occasionally go on strike when you need them the most
-Shuttle drivers can decide that they just don't fell like picking you up without telling you?
-Taxi drivers are the best drivers in the world at getting you to your destination fast
-A black man or woman's held a job in Philadelphia that on the west coast would otherwise be heald by a migrant worker or an non-college educated white man or woman
-I'm one of the few people applying to dental school that is still in college, not married, w/out kids, and not working, and that can't rent a car.
-I'm glad that I don't have to tell interviewers that my most interesting hobbies include sunbathing, going to the mall, and picking up art for the fifth time
-On the east coast, "Washington" means D.C. and not the state
-Airplane toilets can actually fill up all the way less than half way through a flight
-Philly Cheese Steaks taste better in Philadelphia

I don't know what the purpose of my next trip to Philadelphia will be. Right now it doesn't depend on me but in a couple of months it could. My next visit could be for a couple of days or a couple of years.

Oh, and I meant to blog about our house a couple of days ago but didn't have a chance to. Last week, in the span of 4 days, my housemate Seth managed break down two doors in our house. One by punching it and another with his foot at 4:30 in the morning, preceded by 20 minutes of loud yelling right outside my room.