diarrhea is some nasty shit

that's right if you've had it lately it sucks. and it sucks even more if you've gotten it in a foreign country. i'm studying infectious diseases right now and pretty much everything we've looked at in the past 2 weeks causes diarrhea. there's even some bacteria that you don't even need to swallow that can cause projectile vomiting and watery explosive diarrhea at the same time literally (normally known as the stomach flu and if you've ever had it is a horrible experience).
there are 4 types of E. coli that cause 4 different types of diarrhea
-Enterotoxigenic - watery traveler's diarrhea
-Enteropathogenic - the runs in infants and young children by erosion of the small intestine
-Enteroinvasive - destroys the large intestine and causes bloody feces w/fever and inflammation
-Enterohemorrhagic - this is by far the worst. first it causes bloody diarrhea but it can also cause destruction of blood vessels leading to bleeding all over your body and also destruction of your kidney which leads to renal failure and eventually death.
solid poo is good and everything else is scary. what's worse is that E. coli only live in the gut of humans and animals, this means that if you ever get one of these forms of loose stool, your food/water was contaminated with someone's or some guy's dog's poo. Worse, it might mean that you weren't too careful/hygienic with the last rim job you gave.
Moral of the story = solid is good.