I was lying in bed at 2:00AM listening to the unusual silence on Union Ave. All of the sudden, I heard a car pull up in front of our house, two doors slam and a bunch of grunting. At the time I was really confused, I mean, none of our neighbors stay up past 10 and the rest of us are in the house, who could it have been? So I peeked through the blinds to get a glimpse of what was happening. Lo and behold there were two people pulling a full sized refrigerator out of the back of their car. These to guys proceeded to carry the refrigerator slowly towards our house. They then disappeared from sight and I heard foot steps coming up our porch. Quickly, I ran down stairs and opened the door just in time to see these people running down the the steps of our porch and back to their car.
This refrigerator is pretty much the most disgusting appliance I have ever encountered. We opened it up for a brief second and the smell hit us like a ton of bricks. What's even worse is that the smell got in our house and lingered for a couple of minutes after. I'm not sure what was in it, but it looked like some milk, spilled all over, and other dairy products. (There's also something that spilled out of the fridge, it looks like a sardine, but flies have been all over it for the past couple days.)
With this fridge in front of our house, there was only one solution. Dump it on school property. The next night we carried out our clandestine mission and moved the large tan colored appliance across the street to school property. (on the way we somehow managed to run over a dead bird, and I believe it was a crow) From this experience I've learned that one, it sucks to live on the corner of a busy street because people automatically think of your house as a dumpster. And two , it's great to live next to school property because we can dump anything there, and it will be gone in under 24 hours. I like to think of it as job security for the for the UPS maintenance workers.
Regarding the people who dumped the fridge on our porch, if you're reading this, thank you so much for thinking of us. But unfortunately we already have one working full size refrigerator and about five smaller ones. None of us living at our house have any clue who you are and which one of us you know. If you didn't do this but maybe know who did, you should let me know because we would love to send our friendly neighbors a thank you note and some cookies for their generosity.